NOKIA 3105 RH-48 Phone Restricted

Phone Restricted could be happen about wrong firmware has choose on flashing. Can it fix by software..?
Yes absolutely. Let's fix it
- Before flashing any phone you better save each data can be readout from the phone even it completely dead.
- Install first firmware need.
- Go to C: \Program Files\Nokia\CDMA\nfp folder. Open nfp folder then extract a file with .nfp extention, now you will got correct firmware to flash to phone.
- Open UFS DCTxBB5
- Fill MCU with file.nep, PPM with, and CNT with file.ucp_x
- Connect phone and hit Check, if you can't boot the phone please press phone power button
- Now get Info from phone, if ESN still stay there you're very lucky. 'cause it will not takes to long.
Next save PM file to make phone back to mode when gathering nothing on repair
- Check again MCU,PPM, and so CNT before perform flashing. If all OK now hit Write Flash
After flash complete now time to write PM, give it fresh PM. You can use other same PM from other normal phone and same model. And hit Wr PM
- Next do UI Settings by hit on its button
OK now everything has just finished

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