Phone Restricted could be happen about wrong firmware has choose on flashing. Can it fix by software..?
Yes absolutely. Let's fix it
- Before flashing any phone you better save each data can be readout from the phone even it completely dead.
- Install first firmware need.
- Go to C: \Program Files\Nokia\CDMA\nfp folder. Open nfp folder then extract a file with .nfp extention, now you will got correct firmware to flash to phone.
- Open UFS DCTxBB5
- Fill MCU with file.nep, PPM with, and CNT with file.ucp_x
- Connect phone and hit Check, if you can't boot the phone please press phone power button
- Now get Info from phone, if ESN still stay there you're very lucky. 'cause it will not takes to long.
- Next save PM file to make phone back to mode when gathering nothing on repair
- Check again MCU,PPM, and so CNT before perform flashing. If all OK now hit Write Flash
- After flash complete now time to write PM, give it fresh PM. You can use other same PM from other normal phone and same model. And hit Wr PM
- Next do UI Settings by hit on its button
OK now everything has just finished
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